Undoubtedly, video advertising on the internet is one of the most popular methods marketers use to grow their brands and drive engagement. In 2022 more than 85% of brands were using videos in their campaigns and among those who didn’t majority of them intend to do it.
Video is an important part of the overall marketing strategies of companies because it helps keep the audience engaged and entertained and has the added benefit of increasing conversion rates. Advertising through video has gone from being a part of your overall digital advertising plan to an important role in attracting potential customers.
Historically, brands have been advertised on radio and TV, but are increasingly turning to digital advertising. So brands are not only increasing their video ad budgets, they are leveraging modern channels instead of traditional distribution methods.
Digital video advertising presents advertisers with key opportunities for wider audience reach, brand visibility, better targeting, and personalization than traditional methods and it allows marketers to be flexible and take more creative chances.
In this blog post, we are going to share some of the advantages of advertising with videos on the internet.
Video ads get higher engagement
Video ads combine two elements that grab the user’s attention: motion and sound. They are more effective at getting your story and vision across to your target audience with a personalized message that’s easy for them to understand.
If performed properly to engage users and follow a definite final call-to-action they will succeed in capturing audiences. Research shows that the majority of people are visual creatures and remember 90% of messages when they are in a visual format, compared to 10% when reading.
This means that potential customers are more likely to remember your message through a video ad than with an image or text ad. Additionally, a positive user experience with video ads increases their purchase intent and brand association.
But videos don’t always work and here we pointed out when and why.
Videos ads are shared often
People are twice as likely to share videos they like than other types of content like social media posts, articles, blogs, etc. Videos go viral much easier when people feel an emotional connection to them, find them entertaining, or useful and worth streaming.
Shared videos are important because friends, family members, and colleagues can see sharing as a form of trusted opinion. If someone they like and trust shares a video, they also tend to watch the video positively. Therefore, it is important to know your target audience for your videos to appeal to them. Try to create a genuine conversational approach to engage and build trust with your followers.
With millions of videos watched every minute, users naturally tend to share videos. Video ads should be concise, relevant, and have a story to tell. All of these things make your video content shareable. Video ads are also a great way for brands to express their vision and creativity and why many think they are worth sharing.
Video ads have a high click-through rate
Video ads not only allow for a better engagement than other types of ads but also drives more clicks. They also have an average CTR 7.5x higher than display ads. Additional bonus tips – you will also have a higher CTR than image ads on websites like Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook had high impressions for image-based ads. Video ads are time-consuming and expensive to create, but they can tell your story and present your vision effectively, therefore attracting more leads and getting more ad clicks.
It increases your revenue
Video marketing has the immense opportunity to increase sales. In fact, 9% of marketers said they could make money faster with video content than with non-video content. This is partly due to the growing popularity of this medium, with more than 80% of people watching online videos every week.
By providing video content that clearly communicates what you’re offering, you can convert prospects into paying customers and increase sales. After all, most of the time a person needs some final encouragement before buying anything. Also, if they see a video on your website that tells you how your product can solve their problem or a tutorial on how to use a new product, they are more inclined to click and purchase.
Great way to tell a story or present an information
Users online tend to watch videos because they are fun and entertaining, educational and inspirational. In every way, videos are a great way to share a story. You can use this medium to bring your products and services closer to your customers. After all, they get more attention than static images. Even more, it’s much easier to tell your story and promote your brand if you already have garnered someone’s attention.
Video advertising works because it also allows brands to engage with their customers. Additionally, businesses can also use this tool to motivate and engage their loyal base of followers.
Video helps your SEO
The largest search engine companies like Google prioritize video content when fine-tuning the algorithms that rank certain websites higher on their ranking pages. By sharing your video on social media, and posting it on your blog or your website, your target audience is more likely to find you when looking for relevant information or a specific keyword in your brand’s field.
We at the Spread It team are ready to help you with video advertising to grow your business. Let’s get in touch and arrange a short free meeting to set the direction of our joint work.