7 Unbeatable Reasons to take full Advantage of Google Ads

7 Unbeatable Reasons To Take Full Advantage of Google Ads

Google changed the whole game. They have consistently monopolized their products across all of digital marketing and as an organization take up to 80% of all global digital network advertising revenue.  Google Ads is now a reliable ad source that seems to deliver results with proper optimization and tuning. This tool has become an essential…

Artificial Intelligence and its effect on digital marketing

Artificial Intelligence and its effect on Digital Marketing?

While marketing was not customer-centric like TV commercials, Billboard ads, or person-to-person marketing, it now focuses more on potential customers after the introduction of digital marketing. People interact regularly on social networks, which makes it possible to accurately predict their needs. And this is where artificial intelligence can play an important role.  Artificial intelligence has…

Successful Marketing Tips for 2023

8 Successful Marketing Tips for 2023

1. TikTok Will [probably] Overtake the Social Media Ads Business Are you exploiting TikTok for your business?  If you still haven’t created a TikTok account for your business, or you haven’t entertained the idea of TikTok influencer campaigns for business growth, then it’s time to do so. Here are some numbers to back them: TikTok…

5 Business Movies You Should Definitely Watch in 2023

5 Business Movies You Should Definitely Watch in 2023

Or maybe we should have said – 5 Business Movies You Should Definitely Watch AGAIN in 2023. Many cinematic masterpieces have brought entrepreneurs’ struggles to the big screen, successfully portraying the real-life and fictional stories of successful business minds and their quest for success! From documentaries to fictional films about famous business leaders, to great…

What is a Corporate Video?

What is a Corporate Video – definition and types?

A corporate video is a collection of video communications used for internal or external corporate messaging. Target audiences are one way to differentiate a company’s video from traditional video advertising.  It is often aimed at a specific audience rather than the general public. The video can be created to present financial results to shareholders and…

6 Reasons Why Video Advertising on the Web is Worth It

6 Reasons Why Video Advertising Is Worth It

Undoubtedly, video advertising on the internet is one of the most popular methods marketers use to grow their brands and drive engagement. In 2022 more than 85% of brands were using videos in their campaigns and among those who didn’t majority of them intend to do it.  Video is an important part of the overall…