Lots of people and marketers know and talk about the generations of the Millennials and the one following them – Gen Z. Now only that but most business around the globe is making their marketing strategies based on the knowledge we have about those two groups. And this is quite logical – Millennials are the generations that are now over 20 years of age and are active consumers. On the other hand, Gen Z is after them and is the first generation born with a smart device in their hands.
Recently though we have a new generation on the horizon – Gen C. The information that we have about them is quite intriguing and really differs in its parameters from the two generations that I already mentioned.
What is typical about Gen C and what separates them?
This is one huge new consumer culture. With that term (Gen C) we describe the people that are highly interested in creating, curating, connecting, and participating in communities. This is definitely not an age group, rather it is about attitude and thought paradigm. Here are some key characteristics that will help you in your quest to cater to them:
- Gen C is a thought paradigm
80% of Millennials are actually part of Gen C as well. And they are the main audience of YouTube.
- Gen C wants to express themselves.
They are what fuels the modern-day digital culture by sharing their photos, videos, memes, etc. 67% of them share their photo on social media.
- Gen C are the influencers and trendsetters.
It is “Gen C” that sets the trends and decides what will be the next popular thing in their culture. Their decisions are fueling a huge chunk of the global economy and they are generating $500 billion dollars a year only in the United States. 85% of them are dependant on the opinions of internet users in order to make their consumer decisions.
- Gen C determines the use of the social network.
88% have a profile on a social network, and as many as 65% update it daily. This generation is glorified by what they share, like, and comment on.
- YouTube is the place of entertainment for Gen C.
Only 40% of this generation watch television. And they watch less than ever before. And the whole generation is also twice as likely to use YouTube in comparison to the rest of the population.
- Gen C is always connected.
The Internet is an integral part of their lives. 91% of them fall asleep with a smartphone next to them.
- Gen C is connected to YouTube on all screens.
80% of the generation owning a smart device watch YouTube.
- Gen C appreciates the relevant and the original.
39% of this generation are not against ads when they are relevant. They value conversations and content that is in tune with their own interests.
If you were born between 1990 and 2015, the chances of you being part of Gen C are more than 50/50. And more than 50% of the people born between these years are your current or potential customers.